The development will provide a mixture of new housing including apartments and traditional two-storey family houses with gardens for a total of 160 new homes including affordable housing.
Metashape Ltd
Submitted for planning 2022
Metashape Ltd
SD Team
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Part of the development is located on Park Road and faces Kent Estuary (Site 1), while two further sites extend across the south-east of Quarry Lane and border with Yans Lane and Storth village (Sites 2 and 3).
The ground floor of the buildings on Park Road will be occupied by a new under-croft car parking and pedestrian footpath, safeguarding the living spaces against tidal flooding and allowing for new communal landscaped amenity spaces for the residents to enjoy, incorporating SuDS. The new proposal for the site on Park Road matches in height the existing apartment blocks located to the north of the site, while low rise traditional style housing along with a small number of apartments are provided to the east of Quarry Lane.

SD Engineers have been appointed to develop a foul and surface water drainage strategy in support of a planning application. The proposed development is located outside of Flood Zone 3 while small sections of the development are located within Flood Zone 2. We carried out Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) as part of our Drainage Statement and recommended mitigation measures to be incorporated in the design.
The proposed development has been split into three areas, each of which will utilise the same method of discharging surface water runoff from the development but will use different methods of conveying and storing surface water runoff.

To provide enough attenuation to discharge all surface water runoff via infiltration, multiple SuDS have been proposed including swales, permeable surfacing, and infiltration crate systems. All systems have been designed with the drainage hierarchy, in accordance with latest requirements from the LPA and LLFA. The overall design for all three sites has provided mitigation for development surface water flooding, reducing risk of pluvial flooding and incorporating measures against tidal flooding.

Foul water from the proposed development will be drained via gravity separately up to the boundary, and drained into the existing sewer network located along Quarry Lane for sites 2 and 3. Site 1 is more thoroughly investigated, and potentially has existing foul water connections on site. An additional solution has been proposed for Site 1 where the foul water can be drained along Quarry Lane to connect into the same network as sites 2 and 3.
Flood Risk Assessment, SUDs Strategy, Below Ground Surface and Foul Water Drainage Design, Foundation Design