The pre-planning and concept design of the redevelopment of an existing ageing estate to provide a new mosque and a residential development of 450 homes, modernising the previously known Clichy Estate.
Civil Engineering
Low Carbon Design
Site and Building Appraisal
Structural Engineering
Sustainable Urban Drainage
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Currently in planning
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A key requirement of the brief was to produce a phasing methodology to keep disruption to existing residents to a minimum. In March 2020, a 93% turnout of residents voted 98% in favour of this regeneration scheme.
The design includes 15 new blocks, varying in height between four-eight storeys, with community gardens built on podium decks at first floor level and accessible car parking only at ground floor.

We undertook a full appraisal of the structural forms, cost, programme, and embodied carbon of Modern Methods of Construction, Glulam/CLT, steel, and reinforced concrete using our in-house plugins for Revit.
To achieve the required size of the build and overcome the complexities involved with the project, concrete was found to be the most suitable material offering excellent flexibility, acoustic and fire performance. A low carbon concrete mix has been specified with cement replacement and recycled aggregates in the foundations.
SD produced the complete site-wide drainage design incorporating the landscaping to create a SuDS inclusive scheme featuring multiple elements including conveyance swales, attenuation tanks, and biodiverse rain gardens where possible.

We worked with the GLA and planning department to achieve a site-specific solution with practical and achievable flow rates that fully accommodated the local and national requirements for climate change.
Surface and Foul Water is drained separately up to the site boundary and combined into the existing Thames Water sewers within the road. We reused as many existing connections and chambers as possible to provide a more environmentally friendly solution.
The design has been fully optimised to reduce carbon and ensure efficiency. The project has been coordinated to BIM Level 2.