International Women’s Day 2024

One of our core values here is ‘We all have a part to play’ – every member of our team is an important cog in what makes us SD.

We all know that we work in a predominantly male dominated industry and back in 2021 SD had only two women at the practice. Fast forward three years and our team currently stands at 23 with eight of those being females. We’re proud of our team and do our best to inspire inclusion throughout the practice.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Your feed will no doubt be flooded with #IWD posts today and so I’ll keep this short and sweet…I really like the theme for International Women’s Day 2024 – #InspireInclusion. And I wanted to give a shout out to my Directors, Mike and Andy. You might be wondering why two males get a shout out on a day celebrating women specifically… Well, because they inspire inclusion.

I had my second child last November and came back to work at SD Engineers just after my youngest daughter turned one. Most people return to work after a long period of leave feeling apprehensive. But after a year away, I didn’t. Mike and Andy arranged and paid for me to receive personal coaching. My lovely coach really helped focus my unfocussed thoughts and helped me to pinpoint approaches and outlooks that would be beneficial to me, and therefore those around me.

SD has about 25 employees and so closer to the ‘S’ on the SME scale. I had expected to return to SD with a warm welcome (and I did!) and the option of flexible working (which I regularly use!) but I hadn’t expected to be offered the benefit of a personal coach. To me, this really does help to Inspire Inclusion. Thank you Mike and Andy.

LinkedIn post from Gemma Sheterline for International Women’s Day 2024